I do want to try out Oracle Free Tier, which I just signed up for. Apparently on ARM Ampere instances you get 4 CPUs and 24GB of RAM, considerably more resources than either AWS or GCP gives you.

The blog would be a good practical use case for it, however it’s a bit light in its requirements. I could just make it general web and also host some services, including some Ruby stuff.

I think I’m going to have to start the migration and using Oracle Linux, then try to make a use for all that extra RAM and what I think is probably some more actual available processing power. Maybe compare page load times, among other things. It also appears to be easier to get an IPv6 Prefix through Oracle’s interface.. and on top of that, I also get two “micro” AMD-based instances to run as well.

Please, Cloud Providers, keep throwing free stuff around and at me so I don’t have to co-lo my own server somewhere. It would also help to have at least a passing familiarity with all of the major offering’s user interfaces.

I think I’ve convinced myself! The Blog is the first thing that shall go! It’s not very important, and it’s not particularly well written — and certainly not read, so it seems like it would be great test fodder to me.