Category: Linux Networking

Getting My Real VM Server Back Online Part III: Storage, iSCSI, and Live Migrations

After some dubious network configurations (that I should have never configured incorrectly) I finally got multipath working to the main storage server. All of the multipath.conf examples I saw resulted in non-functional iSCSI MPIO, while having no multipath.conf left me with failover MPIO instead of interleaved/round-robin.

A large issue with trying to get MPIO configured was the fact that all the examples I found were either old (and scsi_id works slightly differently in Ubuntu 14.04) or just poor. Yes, I wound up using Ubuntu. Usually I use Slackware for EVERYTHING, but lately I’ve been trying to branch out. Most of the VMs run Fedora, “Pegasus” or VMSrv1 uses Fedora, “Titan” uses Ubuntu.

Before I did anything with multipath.conf (It’s empty on Ubuntu 14.04), I got this:

root@titan:/home/frankd# multipath -ll
size=256G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
| `- 13:0:0:0 sde 8:64 active ready running
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=enabled
  `- 12:0:0:0 sdd 8:48 active ready running

Note the disks are both round-robin — with only one member each! This works for fail-over, but did nothing for performance. The only thing that wound up working for multipath.conf was this:

defaults {
 user_friendly_names yes
 polling_interval 3
 path_grouping_policy multibus
 path_checker readsector0
 path_selector "round-robin 0"
 features "0"
 no_path_retry 1
 rr_min_io 100

multipaths {
 multipath {
  wwid 1FREEBSD_HTPC1-D1
  alias testLun

The wwid/alias doesn’t work, however. All of the MPIO is just coming from the defaults stanza. I attempted many things with no luck, unfortunately. I’m going to have to delve into this more especially if I want live migrations to work properly with MPIO. As it stands the disk devices are pointing at a single IP (ex /dev/disk/by-path/ip-, I’ll need to point at aliases to get the VMs working with multipath.

The multipath tests themselves were promising though, dd was able to give me a whopping 230MB/s to the mapper device over a pair of GigE connections.

The output from ‘multipath -ll’ now looked more reasonable:

root@titan:/home/frankd# multipath -ll
size=256G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
  |- 39:0:0:0 sde 8:64 active ready running
  `- 40:0:0:0 sdg 8:96 active ready running

You can see the drives are both under the same round-robin policy instead of two separate ones.

The storage server also saw some slight changes, including upgrading from one Intel X25-V 40GB for L2ARC to 2xX25-Vs for a total of 80GB. I also added a 60GB Vertex 2 as a SZIL device. I really need to build a machine with more RAM and partition out the SZIL. I’ll likely wind up using my 840Pro 256GB for L2ARC and leave the old X25Vs out of the main array once I get a pair of 10GbE cards for maximum speed (hopefully near-native of the 840Pro — perhaps better with a large amount of ARC) to my workstation.

So we’re at a point where everything appears to be working, although in need of some upgrades! Great! I’m looking at a KCMA-D8 Dual Opteron C32 motherboard as I have a pair of Opteron 4184s (6 core Lisbon, very similar to a Phenom II X6 1055T) laying around, so I could put together a 32GB 12 core machine for under $400 — but as always, budgetary constraints for a hobby squash that idea quickly.

Rearranging The Intranet of Things Part II

I’m sure there will be a lot more posts like this to come. I had formerly moved the edge router to the ‘closet’ (aka the garage, right next to the cable modem and 3560-24PS sitting there) and added another router there to have a routed gig port into my ‘office’ (aka my bedroom with a couple desks).

Today I replaced both routers with a single 7206VXR with an NPE-G1. I had it all configured and everything should’ve worked off the bat, but it didn’t — not exactly, anyway. The routing was perfect, the NAT was great. But I only have a VAM card which doesn’t work with 15.x (only VAM2 cards work with new code), and I didn’t want it doing VPN in software.

So I decided to keep the old WAN router as VPN-only duty. I briefly considered using a 1760 with a VPN module (I have a few), but when I finally get to having decent internet speeds it would choke. The 3825 has an EPII+ card on top of the onboard hardware engine, so it should at the least have no issue keeping up with my internet connection with weak Triple-DES. The only issue is when I went to forward UDP 4500 from the edge router to the VPN router I got:

% Port 4500 is being used by system

I was able to successfully forward ports UDP 500 and ESP, but here I got stumped. I verified there was no crypto config, I tried clearing crypto stuff, I tried disabling software crypto — all with no luck. Googling didn’t give me much to go on, but I finally ran into something showing this error as an IOS-XE bug for 15.2(4)S2 –and I was running 15.2(4)S3 (pure IOS, but basically the same), so being out of options and ideas I decided to just install 15.2(4)M7 and Voila! Problem solved!

Two routers replaced with — two routers, maybe that doesn’t sound very good, but it will allow me to do more at the edge with more ports available directly on the router instead of playing with switches and VLANs/VRFs.

And in case you want to see how my network is physically wired — and this is somewhat simplified, here you are!

Network Diagram

Simplified Network Diagram – 01/01/15